Friday 13 September 2013

Reversed Perception.

Hi friends,

Welcome to my blog. Haha!

This is a whole new experience for me, as its been with a lot of things lately.

So you wonder, why this? Why another egotistic rant from yet another blogger?

I may never answer THOSE question, because here, right here, is a probably a beginning of a fight to answer MY own questions. There are too many of them.

Saggio Sierri is a pseudo, which in itself has its own experiences. The name is a combination of who I am and where am from (I believe having these info usually helps in figuring out where the heck I'm headed).

I regard this blog as a series, Conversate is not grammatically correct so spare the Oxford/Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary app on your phone. Wikipedia wont help either.

Conversate is mostly the outward expression of dialogues within, at least that’s what I’m willing to do.

Like every other homo-sapien on this blue planet, I have my opinion(s) about what I see, hear, feel, experience…I have even more opinions about things I’ve never seen, heard, felt or experienced. A lot of us do don’t we? Just take a moment to listen to yourself the next time you’re talking about Rihanna’s latest scandal, Jay Z’s Illuminati membership status…

I had an interesting time with my sister two weekends ago. Now, my sister is the lively type! She’s simple, petite, passionate, has liberal views about most subjects, yet she can get very conservative at…what I’ve come to label – shock points (those times in our lives’ timeline that an otherwise clockwise routine suddenly goes in reverse direction).

Okay, back to my sister gist…but…allow me to digress yet again.

One of the most widely accepted ‘facts’ these days is that there is Illuminati.

Incase you’re neighbors with Fred Flintstone and the age you live in can be classified as stoned (not in that way, silly), and you don’t have that simple, cheap and social tool called Twitter, or your wooden library is not stacked with the most recently published edition of Wikipedia…anyways, the Illuminati, as I’ve learned and as my liberal, simple and passionate sister properly educated me, is something like em…Church! But, this one belongs to Satan or some other board member  of Hell Inc.

These Illuminati (or Illuminatum as I term the singular noun) operate in codes, secret languages and riddles. They hide messages in visual displays like Lady Gaga’s face, Brad Pitt’s ring and some Jay Z and Beyonce songs.
Lady Gaga
Brad Pitt

 Of course we've already established some key members of Illuminati. They have a strange and unusual way of greeting people with odd hand signs.
Barack Obama

The list is endless. Check your local listings for more names.

Anyways, this was the core of our discussion that weekend. My sister insisted that the Jay Z song “On to the next one” has hidden illuminati messages that glorifies Satan and can only come out when played in reverse.  Beyonce’s “sweet dreams” was also mentioned as being heavily coded and that the real meanings behind the song will come out in, of course, reverse playback. Being someone always keen to acquire more knowledge, I promptly put it to test. Alongside a friend of mine and my sister, the three of us sourced for these songs, put them in an audio editing software and clicked ‘reverse’. Then we connected the stereo surround sound system and hit the play button.

There were some interesting discoveries…!!!

There was a pleasantly shocking baseline rhythm that made the songs (well at least the beat) danceable! We actually found ourselves grooving to Jay Z’s “On to the next one” in reverse playback (or should we rename it “On to the reversed one”?)

Initially we thought maybe its just that one song and it had to do with the way the beat was sequenced. So, we played the reversed Beyonce song and got the same result.


The second discovery is, and its more of a question, will the language you speak sound like another language in another corner of the world if recorded and played back in reverse? Will Hausa sound like Yiddish in reverse? Will Yoruba sound like German and Will Igbo sound Nordic?

Maybe it’s something we all should give a try, maybe it will help with the racial/ethnic/lingual tensions we bring up sometimes. As beautiful as Spanish sounds, I unconsciously wonder how anyone could understand those sounds? I know its because I grew up speaking English and in a strange way, I tend to, (involuntary thinking), believe that anyone if you cant speak English has a communication deficiency.

Has anyone been through this ridiculous, yet very natural state of mind? I know lots of us do. I still remember the frowns I get from the mallam in his kiosk when I’m struggling to communicate the item I want to buy. The feedback is that he can’t understand why I can’t speak Hausa and that’s why he’s quick to admonish me with the words “ba turanchi”.

Anyways, I have written way more than I planned to do in my very first.

Oh! By the way, we didn’t find a single satanic rendition in Jay Z or Beyonce's songs. Disappointing isn't it. Hmm.
